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Early season, young crops and ridges
66 images
Created 1 Nov 2019
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14 days after emergence DSC00409.jpg
14 days after emergence DSC00411.jpg
4 row potato planter working in orga...jpg
Annual meadow grass having survived ...jpg
Annual meadow grass having survived ...jpg
Annual meadow grass having survived ...jpg
around three weeks after emergence, ...jpg
around three weeks after emergence, ...jpg
Bed tiller used to apply Mocap nemat...jpg
clean crop, crop sprayed, 2d1-14067.jpg
clean crop, crop sprayed, 2d1-14068.jpg
clean crop, crop sprayed, 2d1-14069.jpg
Close up of potato crop rows around ...jpg
close up view of a young potatoplant...jpg
Close up view of potato plant around...jpg
crop at rosette stage on black fenla...jpg
crop at rosette stage on black fenla...jpg
crop at rosette stage on black fenla...jpg
crop being irrigated viewed from abo...jpg
crop being irrigated viewed from abo...jpg
crop being irrigated viewed from abo...jpg
crop growing in peaty soil. The crop...jpg
crop growing in peaty soil. The crop...jpg
crop growing in peaty soil. The crop...jpg
crop growing in peaty soil. The crop...jpg
crop in beds, about to cover the bed...JPG
crop in beds having just emerged IMG...jpg
crop of processing potatoes in norfo...jpg
crop rows around two weeks after eme...jpg
crop rows around two weeks after eme...jpg
crop shortly after emergence DSC0560...jpg
crop showing clean ridges and excell...jpg
emerging potato crop T579-0018.jpg
excellent weed control in this potat...jpg
Flowering crop of MAris Peer potatoe...jpg
Irrigating a young crop f8497024.jpg
Maris Peer potatoes in full flower, ...jpg
Maris Piper potatoes about 50% groun...jpg
Nectar maincrop potatoes just before...jpg
Nectar maincrop potatoes just before...jpg
planting, potatoes dji-285.jpg
Potatoes in norfolk having suffered ...jpg
potatoes, pre emergence, ridges, row...jpg
potato plant damaged by wind blown s...jpg
ridges- pre emergence of crop IMG_70...jpg
salad potatoes about to close over t...jpg
Salad potatoes in three row beds abo...jpg
salad potatoes on sandy soil in norf...jpg
salad potatoes on sandy soil in norf...jpg
shortly after emergence showing a ma...jpg
shortly after emergence showing a ma...jpg
sprayer applying blight spray to pot...jpg
tractor and spreader applying fertil...jpg
Uneven emergence in a potato crop ca...jpg
Variety 6 replicate trial to identif...jpg
variety trial to check for TRV sprai...jpg
view down a potato ridge pre emergen...jpg
view down a potato ridge pre emergen...jpg
view down the rows before row closur...jpg
view down the rows before row closur...jpg
View straight down the rows of potat...jpg
View straight down the rows of potat...jpg
weed control in potatoes , showing t...jpg
weed control in potatoes , showing t...jpg
Young plant just emerging 5D_24564.jpg